From the Bookblog of the Bristol Public Library (Bristol, VA): A Spell of Murder by Clea Simon Becca Colvin has been having a rough patch. She’s lost her job as a researcher due to cutbacks and her boyfriend Jeff has just broken up with her. Feeling lonely and a bit...
The Book Blog of the Bristol (VA) Public Library weighs in on Fear On Four Paws: ” It’s an excellent series and comes highly recommended,” writes blogger/librarian Jeanne. “This series is often called a cozy, though that’s not the label I would give...
I am over the moon about this Publishers Weekly review for my Dec. 11 cat cozy, A Spell of Murder: “Set in Cambridge, Mass., this delightful series launch from Simon (World Enough) introduces three talking cats—littermates Clara, Harriet, and Laurel—and their...
How thrilled am I to be on this Strand Magazine list, “Five Reinventions of the Boston Crime Novel”? To have my WORLD ENOUGH called “a haunting exploration of the dark side of nostalgia and the differing perceptions of shared experiences.” Um,...
Fascinating piece on George V. Higgins (author of “Friends of Eddie Coyle,” etc.) and the development of the Boston crime novel in the new issue of CrimeReads. Overwhelming to me because the article’s author Scott von Doviak referenced ME as an heir...
Writing for Reviewing the Evidence, a crime fiction journal, onetime Pinkerton investigator and former journalist Ruth Castleberry takes on my Fear on Four Paws, noting, “the exchanges between various animal characters and Pru are skillfully done and sound...