“If you are reading a Clea Simon book, you know it’s not going to be stodgy and traditional in any way. That applies to this series launch as well. While technically a cozy, Simon never shies away from the edgier-side of the coin. As a cat-lover, Clea Simon has...
“Murder, magic, and romance abound, but the cats are the stars of this story. Clea has woven a rich tapestry of real and imagined qualities for her feline heroines that cat people will find authentic and humorously familiar….” So says Crazy Cat...
Aunt Agatha’s closed its beloved brick-and-mortar store in 2016. But the Michigan mystery go-to lives on with an online store and a blog that reviews new and upcoming work. I’m honored that they took the time to read A SPELL OF MURDER Clea Simon’s cozies...
Mystery Writers of America awarded Dru’s Book Musings the coveted Raven award in recognition of service to the genre. And this weekend, the much-loved blog weighed in on A Spell of Murder. I am overjoyed! “It’s Harriet’s fault. It’s always her fault, not that...
“This new series mixes mystery with a touch of the paranormal and a little romance, and the combination is irresistible.” So begins this review of my new A SPELL OF MURDER on the Conscious Cat blog. November 30, 2018 Review: A Spell of Murder A Spell of...
From the Bookblog of the Bristol Public Library (Bristol, VA): A Spell of Murder by Clea Simon Becca Colvin has been having a rough patch. She’s lost her job as a researcher due to cutbacks and her boyfriend Jeff has just broken up with her. Feeling lonely and a bit...