“Gentle humor permeates this novel…”

“Clea Simon stays very true to cat psychology throughout these books despite their fantastic premise. In fact, a large part of the series’ charm comes from the cats and their idiosyncratic view of Becca’s doings. Humans are portrayed with no less affection: it’s...

Booklist “enchanted” by INCANTATION

“Cat lovers, even if not fans of the paranormal, will be enchanted,” says Booklist about AN INCANTATION OF CATS. I am overjoyed! Full review as follows: Advanced Review – Uncorrected Proof Issue: December 15, 2019 An Incantation of Cats. By Clea Simon Jan....

“I could not put the book down…”

Review of An Incantation of Cats posted today on the MWA Raven Award-winning book blog Dru’s Book Musings: “This was an enjoyable, fast-paced and well-written drama that quickly became a page-turner, as I could not put the book down. The heart of this...

“Extremely satisfying…”

Bookblog of the Bristol Library Reviews by the Reference Department of the Bristol Public Library, Bristol, Virginia/Tennessee. Monday, December 9, 2019 An Incantation of Cats: A Witch Cats of Cambridge Mystery by Clea Simon Reviewed by Jeanne Becca Colwin is slowly...

“Simon expertly casts suspicion…”

Fellow authors have long talked about the “Kirkus kick” – this review publication’s reputation for zinging all but the most flawless books. That’s why I was a bit breathless when I got the email from my editor, alerting me to a Kirkus review...

PW loves “Incantation”!

“In Simon’s entertaining sequel to 2018’s A Spell of Murder…  Becca’s cats, each with a distinctive personality, use their individual magical skills in their efforts to solve the case and keep Becca safe. Fans of talking cat cozies will have...