“Clea Simon stays very true to cat psychology throughout these books despite their fantastic premise. In fact, a large part of the series’ charm comes from the cats and their idiosyncratic view of Becca’s doings. Humans are portrayed with no less affection: it’s...
“Cat lovers, even if not fans of the paranormal, will be enchanted,” says Booklist about AN INCANTATION OF CATS. I am overjoyed! Full review as follows: Advanced Review – Uncorrected Proof Issue: December 15, 2019 An Incantation of Cats. By Clea Simon Jan....
Review of An Incantation of Cats posted today on the MWA Raven Award-winning book blog Dru’s Book Musings: “This was an enjoyable, fast-paced and well-written drama that quickly became a page-turner, as I could not put the book down. The heart of this...
Bookblog of the Bristol Library Reviews by the Reference Department of the Bristol Public Library, Bristol, Virginia/Tennessee. Monday, December 9, 2019 An Incantation of Cats: A Witch Cats of Cambridge Mystery by Clea Simon Reviewed by Jeanne Becca Colwin is slowly...
Fellow authors have long talked about the “Kirkus kick” – this review publication’s reputation for zinging all but the most flawless books. That’s why I was a bit breathless when I got the email from my editor, alerting me to a Kirkus review...
“In Simon’s entertaining sequel to 2018’s A Spell of Murder… Becca’s cats, each with a distinctive personality, use their individual magical skills in their efforts to solve the case and keep Becca safe. Fans of talking cat cozies will have...