“Series fans [as well as “readers who love bossy cats, don’t mind ferrets, and can accept an animal psychic as a protagonist”] will lap it up.” So says Booklist on my upcoming (July 1) Fear on Four Paws. Thank...
Publishers Weekly weighs in on Cross My Path: “Cat-loving fans of grim postapocalyptic tales will best appreciate Simon’s third Blackie and Care mystery…” it begins, concluding, “The disparate plot lines combine in a fiery...
The early reviews are rolling in, and Publishers Weekly calls Fear on Four Paws an “irresistible outing.” I’m thrilled! Here’s the full review: Fear on Four Paws: A Pru Marlowe Pet Noir Clea Simon. Poisoned Pen, $15.95 trade paper (272p) ISBN...
“[A]n intricate and smart plot, authentic dialogue and a heartfelt rendering of remembrance and regret, and Simon’s dark story shimmers with brilliance — and stands as her finest.” – Richmond Times-Dispatch on World Enough here’s the full writeup in...
“Everybody has a past…” That’s how Mollie Hunt’s review of WORLD ENOUGH. Read the full text below: Everybody has a past. Some are more memorable than others; some we would prefer to forget. My own past was rooted in the hippie movement...
“Simon does an excellent job of mixing humor, romance, and mystery into one coherent and exciting tale.” Sometimes it takes a while for a review to surface. This review of my 2016 mystery, “When Bunnies Go Bad,” ran last week in the San...