“[C]risp writing and polished plot are a pleasure from start to finish.” – Robin Agnew on Dogs Don’t Lie.

Can a book with a cat be taken seriously? (Answer: yes).

While I often am approached by writers wanting to send me ARCs and have me read, possibly review them, and certainly try to sell them, it’s not often that I say “yes,” send the ARC, and less often when I actually read and enjoy them. However, such was the charm and erudition of author Clea Simon (who I hadn’t heard of, despite the fact that she had nine books to her credit) that I agreed to an ARC. …” read more here.

Robin Agnew is the owner of the marvelous indie, Aunt Agatha’s Mystery Books, in Ann Arbor, MI. This is from the blog “Hey, There’s a Dead Guy in My Living Room.”