WHAT’S UP WITH THE CAT COZIES? While I’m so proud to have announced that Severn will be publishing my psychological suspense THE BLUE BUTTERFLY and the rookie reporter-turned-amateur sleuth BAD BOY BEAT (which we’re hoping will launch a new series), you might be wondering, “what’s with the cat cozies”? Well, there’s a plan! As I read through the page proofs for TO CONJURE A KILLER (witch cat #4), I was realizing how much I adore Clara, Becca, and all the rest… and so I chatted with my agent. Severn House is willing to work around any new Polis “witch cat” books, and I’m willing to write them. SO — if Polis (the “witch cat” publisher — agrees, we’ll keep going. THAT SAID, I don’t have a contract for any more witch cat books, so if you like them and want the series to continue, please consider pre-ordering TO CONJURE A KILLER: Pre-orders are what get books into bookstores and libraries, and those are what convince publishers to continue series!