Hi folks,
I often get emails asking if I can sign and mail books. I’m always happy to! But sometimes the logistics can get complicated. So, I thought I’d get out ahead of this one. I’ll be doing a launch event (reading/signing) at Brookline Booksmith next Tuesday, March 23. If you’re anywhere nearby, I’d love you to come and chat and have some snacks with us. But if you can’t, and you’d still like a signed and/or personalized book, I can do that for you that night. If you do want that, please call Brookline Booksmith at 617-566-6660 and order one over the phone – but tell the person taking your order that you want it signed and/or personalized (and if you want it signed to someone, or some cat, please let them know). I’ll sign all orders on Tuesday night and Brookline Booksmith will ship them out promptly. You’ll get a signed book made out to you – and you’ll also be supporting one of the last great independent bookstores!

Please feel free to email me with any questions.

All best,

“With skill and style, Simon fashions a true whodunit … with catlike grace.” — Richmond Times-Dispatch