Pleased as punch to announce I’ll be on a panel at Left Coast Crime: “My Kind of Town (Rural & Suburban Crime)” Sunday at 10:15, with David Hagerty, Shannon Baker, James Haymon, Carrie Smith, and Heather Young. Seeing as how I’m coming off my most urban book – World Enough – and heading back to my fictional small town of Deauville with Fear on Four Paws (after a sojourn in the dystopia of Cross My Path), I think this will be a very fun place for me, and I look forward to learning about my co-panelists work as well!
Don’t know about Left Coast Crime? I finally ventured west of the Mississippi to this roving annual fan/reader-centered convention two years ago, when it was in Phoenix. What I found was a smaller, super friendly con where authors and readers got to hang out, chat, and just have a blast. Wasn’t able to go last year, when it was in Honolulu (LCC moves around), but can’t wait to attend this year. Left Coast Crime takes place March 22-25, this year, in Reno,Nevada. See you in Reno!