“Delightful,” raves PW about A SPELL OF MURDER
I am over the moon about this Publishers Weekly review for my Dec. 11 cat cozy, A Spell of Murder: "Set in Cambridge, Mass., this delightful series launch from Simon (World Enough) introduces three talking cats—littermates Clara, Harriet, and Laurel—and their...
“A haunting exploration of the dark side of nostalgia…”
How thrilled am I to be on this Strand Magazine list, "Five Reinventions of the Boston Crime Novel"? To have my WORLD ENOUGH called "a haunting exploration of the dark side of nostalgia and the differing perceptions of shared experiences." Um, very. (Read the full...
George V. Higgins and me?!?
Fascinating piece on George V. Higgins (author of "Friends of Eddie Coyle," etc.) and the development of the Boston crime novel in the new issue of CrimeReads. Overwhelming to me because the article's author Scott von Doviak referenced ME as an heir of Higgins (cause...
“a delightful read….” RTE on FEAR ON FOUR PAWS
Writing for Reviewing the Evidence, a crime fiction journal, onetime Pinkerton investigator and former journalist Ruth Castleberry takes on my Fear on Four Paws, noting, "the exchanges between various animal characters and Pru are skillfully done and sound genuine....
“A genre-bender … in full force.” THANK YOU, Fredericksburg Free-Lance Star
"A genre-bender that continues the series theme while simultaneously expanding it, Cross My Path displays Simon’s powers of imaginative conception and adroit execution in full force." So says Jay R. Strafford in the Fredericksburg Free-Lance Star and I couldn't be...
“Fear” one of the “Best Pet Books of Summer”
Columnist Kim Campbell Thornton wrote up "Page Turners for Pet Lovers" in the Palm Beach Florida Weekly – the columnist calls calls us "The Nine Best New Pet Books to Read This Summer" – and the first book she recommends is my new Fear on Four Paws! "In “Fear on...
Mystery Monday at the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles (THANK YOU!)
Cross My Path and Fear on Four Paws both got wonderful raves today in this book blog. Of Cross My Path, she writes, "The story, set in a dark world, is completely engrossing, filled with characters who keep you wondering what they’re really up to," adding "We think...
“Gritty and intense” Thank you, Blood Red Pencil!
"[G]ritty and intense," says the Blood Red Pencil of the world of my new Cross My Path, "well-suited for the unsettling, edge-of-your-seat atmosphere." This well-penned review does a great job of describing the world that Blackie and Care inhabit, as well as capturing...
Thank you, Conscious Cat!
"Simon ... not only reflects a thorough understanding of feline behavior, but also a connection to the feline essence..." The Conscious Cat reviews Cross My Path, adding, "I absolutely love Clea’s brilliant, highly descriptive writing style." She concludes: "If you...
“Epic in scope” Thank you!
The Bookblog of the Bristol Public Library reviews Cross My Path concluding: "While each book has its own mysteries from start to finish, it’s obvious in this entry that Simon has a larger story arc going on, one more epic in scope. It’s possible that there is a...