
I’m Clea Simon, author of
- psychological suspense novels The Butterfly Trap, Bad Boy Beat and Hold Me Down
- rock ‘n’ roll noir World Enough
- Theda Krakow mysteries
- Dulcie Schwartz mysteries
- Pru Marlowe mysteries
- Witch Cats of Cambridge mysteries
- Blackie & Care mysteries
- A handful of nonfiction books
Please browse around and make yourself at home. I’d love to see you at one of my events, and I’m always happy to hear your feedback.
As featured in the Wall Street Journal and on NPR
Praise for The Butterfly Trap
Fear and control emerges in Simon’s tense, slow-burn
Darkly inventive, and full of grit and suspense
Mesmerizing tale of obsession and desperation
A cautionary and dark tale about love and art
Recent Blog POsts
“The Mirror and the Light” review
Hi folks - I'd love you all to support the Boston Globe, where this review ran on Sunday. If you don't pay, journalists can't do their jobs. But, I also want you to read about this stunning book. And so, a few days late. here's my review. BOOK REVIEW Hilary Mantel’s...
The Mouldwarp King
You know how Alice gets lost down the rabbit hole? Well, friends, last week, I went down my own particular rabbit hole. I had the honor and the privilege of reviewing Hilary Mantel's stunning new novel, The Mirror and the Light (more on that later). But to do that on...
Five Questions with Nancy Bilyeau
I don't know about you, but I love to escape into historical fiction. A good historical gives you a real sense of the place and the time but – being fiction – weaves a compelling story in as well. (Apologies to my historian friends, but true stories are seldom as neat...