It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Best for me, because I get to host multiple-award-winning author Tracy Clark here on the #NoContact book tour. Tracy’s third Chicago mystery – What You Don’t See – is just out, bringing back investigator Cass Raines (and her family) in a case involving a media queen, death threats, and so much more. Worst of times because Tracy, like the rest of us, can’t tour to support her new book. But we’ll do what we can for her here, with the #NoContact book tour. So please, welcome Tracy!
Tell us about your book!

WHAT YOU DON’T SEE is the third installment in my Cass Raines Chicago Mystery series. In this one, Cass is recruited to help her ex-
partner work security for a pompous newspaper publisher, Vonda Allen, who has been receiving death threats. A simple bodyguarding job, however, soon turns deadly as Vonda holds fast to her secrets and bodies begin to fall around her.
Are you working on anything now? Is your process or routine different?
I am finishing up book four in the series, tentatively titled RUNNER. It’s about a runaway teenager. Cass is hired to find the girl, but soon finds out she’s not the only one looking. My routine’s pretty much the same. I’m usually up really early writing, which is the best time. The house is quiet and the phone and doorbell aren’t ringing. It’s just me, the laptop and the tea kettle.
Do you think your writing will be changed by this crisis?

Process wise, I don’t think so. Story wise? I may find a way of adding the pandemic to an upcoming storyline. I’ll have to wait and see. I think we’re going to see a lot of writers address it in some way, but I haven’t figured out how I want to do that yet.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do when we’re free to be social again?
I think I’ll take a long walk along the Lakefront without a mask on, then go stand in a room with more than ten people in it.
That sounds wonderful! In the meantime, anyone who wants to spend more virtual time with Tracy can find her at her website: on Facebook: and on Twitter: @tracypc6161