OK, more on this when Banned Book Week starts on Sept. 27. But why not start early? After all, it seems quite possible that we may end up with a book banner in the White House if we don’t keep on this.

(ADDED LATER: I am, of course, referring to Sarah Palin. And while there has been some question about whether she actually went forward with her plans to ban books from the Wassilla library or what books she wanted banned, the New York Times has reported – after talking to multiple sources – that she “approached the town librarian about the possibility of banning some books.” When the town librarian vowed to resist censorship, she fired her. That’s enough for me. More than enough.)

Celebrate your freedom while you still have it. Read a frequently banned book and pass one along to a friend. I’m going to start by re-reading Madeleine L’Engle’s wonderful A Wrinkle in Time. Dangerous stuff, ideas.