I'll be staffing the Mystery Writers of America booth at this Grub Street weekend event on Friday, April 6, from 1-2 p.m. Please drop by during your lunch break!
I'll be staffing the Mystery Writers of America booth at this Grub Street weekend event on Friday, April 6, from 1-2 p.m. Please drop by during your lunch break!
I'll be talking about writing and about my books at this free event, rescheduled from the night of one of our March nor'easters.
I'll be talking about writing and about my books at this free event, rescheduled from the night of one of our March nor'easters.
Three authors, three wines: Join me, Lisa Lieberman, and Joanna Schauffhausen and New England Mobile Book Fair as we pair books with Pinot noir wines at this fun "noir" event.
Three authors, three wines: Join me, Lisa Lieberman, and Joanna Schauffhausen and New England Mobile Book Fair as we pair books with Pinot noir wines at this fun "noir" event.
Join me at the Deadly Ink crime fiction convention in Iselin, NJ. I'll be on the "Cozy Cats" panel on Saturday, 2 p.m. and "Thrills and Chills" at 3 p.m. on the Saturday of this three-day annual conference.
Join me at the Deadly Ink crime fiction convention in Iselin, NJ. I'll be on the "Cozy Cats" panel on Saturday, 2 p.m. and "Thrills and Chills" at 3 p.m. on the Saturday of this three-day annual conference.