Harvard Book Store launch for BAD BOY BEAT

Harvard Bookstore 1256 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, United States

Please join me at Harvard Book Store for a discussion and reading of BAD BOY BEAT, which is also the first in a new series! This is my first in-person event in over a year, and I look forward to a lively discussion of writing, mysteries, and just what the recent past has taught us […]


Harvard Book Store launch for BAD BOY BEAT

Harvard Bookstore 1256 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, United States

Please join me at Harvard Book Store for a discussion and reading of BAD BOY BEAT, which is also the first in a new series! This is my first in-person event in over a year, and I look forward to a lively discussion of writing, mysteries, and just what the recent past has taught us […]


A Mighty Blaze

I'm going to be talking all things books and "going to the dark side" with NYT-bestselling author and A Mighty Blaze co-founder Caroline Leavitt on June 6 at 4 p.m. But don't worry if you can't make it: A Mighty Blaze interviews live forever on their Youtube channel!


A Mighty Blaze

I'm going to be talking all things books and "going to the dark side" with NYT-bestselling author and A Mighty Blaze co-founder Caroline Leavitt on June 6 at 4 p.m. But don't worry if you can't make it: A Mighty Blaze interviews live forever on their Youtube channel!


New England Crime Bake: Out for Blood

Boston Dedham Hilton 25 Allied Drive, Dedham, MA, United States

This year featuring Gabino Iglesias as the guest of honor, New England Crime Bake offers three days of workshops and events for writers at all stages of their careers, readers, and fans of the genre! The schedule is still being finalized but I'm already listed as a speaker, so you know I'll be there! Note: […]

New England Crime Bake: Out for Blood

Boston Dedham Hilton 25 Allied Drive, Dedham, MA, United States

This year featuring Gabino Iglesias as the guest of honor, New England Crime Bake offers three days of workshops and events for writers at all stages of their careers, readers, and fans of the genre! The schedule is still being finalized but I'm already listed as a speaker, so you know I'll be there! Note: […]

The Butterfly Trap book launch

Harvard Bookstore 1256 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, United States

Join me and Nina  (Winter Solstice; Wake, Siren) McLaughlin  as we celebrate the launch of my new psychological suspense The Butterfly Trap at Harvard Book Store. Can't make it? Preorder a signed copy!