“Take me to the river…” How evocative is that line? Whether you’re seeking to be cleansed or to discard the evidence of your dirty deeds, down by the river as where you go. It’s where we all go. “I love that dirty water, oh, Boston, you’re my home.”
Rivers are also the unifying theme in a new anthology Down to the River, edited by Tim O’Mara. Because as much as we want the water to wash us clean, we need to step up and protect our rivers. All the stories in this anthology were donated, and proceeds benefit American Rivers, an organization designed to protect our waterways.

No, I’m not on the cover (unless you count “and more”) but I’m one of more than 20 crime fiction writers who contributed to this collection. It comes out next week (April 22) in e-book and paperback. Won’t you dive in?