“Hold Me Down, acclaimed author Clea Simon’s new suspense novel about a hard-driving punk rocker dragged into the trauma of her wild past by a murder in her present, will grab you by the heart even as it makes you grip the edge of your seat.
Life as a successful rock musician has taken its toll on Gal Raver, the protagonist in this intense and compelling read. When she plays a benefit for her close friend and former drummer who succumbed to cancer, she believes all of that is in the rear-view mirror. But a glimpse of a man in the audience who later turns up dead sends her reeling back into a time she can’t escape. Hold Me Down is a mystery and a thriller, but it’s also a novel about grief, the glorious joy of making music, and what it takes to put a broken life back together…”

So begins thriller queen Emily Ross’s writeup of Hold Me Down. We then chatted for the literary blog Dead Darlings. Visit the site to read more: https://deaddarlings.com/meet-clea-simon-author-hold/