The wayward clue

I missed it the first time. The second and third time. My agent missed it, so did my beta readers. So did my editor. But there I was, reading through the revised, edited manuscript of A Spell of Murder one final time before sending it back, and I saw it: Wait a...


Yesterday at around 3 p.m. I finished the revisions on “Shades of Grey” and sent the manuscript back to my editor at Severn House in London. Within minutes, I’d gotten a very nice response (which makes me wonder about the hours she keeps). I guess I...

The fear factor

It’s now 2 p.m., and I’ve only read 14 pages. But hey, at least I’ve read 14 pages!No, despite my post of a few days ago, I have not yet geared myself up to read my ARCs of Probable Claws. (I know! I know!) Instead, I’m back into a project that...