Five Questions with Nina MacLaughlin

I first met Nina when she was at the Boston Phoenix, and she quickly became a go-to writer. You know, the ones whose stories you read as soon as you spot the byline – no matter what the subject was, even when it was “100 Unsexiest Men.” When she quit and...

Five Questions with Dharma Kelleher

There’s a lot of talk in the crime fiction community these days about “other voices.” Basically, that means hearing from people whose stories don’t necessarily follow the usual template – and it can focus more on our differences (race, gender,...

Five Questions with Paula Munier

I first knew Paula as a panelist – a wise and funny woman who would show up at conferences and always had something useful to say. I’d see her name on a schedule and I’d know that wherever she was, that was going to be good. I then started to hear about...

Five Questions with Greg Herren

Greg Herren and I could be twins. Well, okay, except that he identifies as male while I’m female, he’s gay and I’m straight, and his ridiculously fun Scotty Bradley mysteries feature a protagonist who is all of the above, as well as in-depth looks at...

Five Questions with R.D. Rosen

The marvelous Thames Street Oyster House was loud. The occasion – the dinner preceding the wedding of dear friends – festive. And considering the bride and groom, the conversation swung from politics and food to arts and writing. No surprise, then, that I found myself...