by Clea | Jan 20, 2020 | Five Questions, Writers on Writing
Provincetown, on the very tip of Cape Cod, is a magical place. Part summer resort, part arts colony, this diverse and very LGBTQIA+ friendly village still shows its roots in the Portuguese- American fishing community too. And while I’m one of the thousands who...
by Clea | Jan 16, 2020 | An Incantation of Cats, Cats, Writers on Writing
Clara was supposed to be a tortoiseshell. Although, Clara – the heart, if not exactly the heroine – of my new cozy cat mystery An Incantation of Cats is now a calico, she was a tortie through at least two drafts of A Spell of Murder, the first book...
by Clea | Jan 9, 2020 | An Incantation of Cats, Writers on Writing, Writing
Ever! Of course, you know that. But I shared other tips for writing mysteries with animal characters earlier this week over at the wonderful Career Authors blog. Don’t Kill the Cat! And Other Secrets to Writing about Animals Posted by Our Special...
by Clea | Jan 6, 2020 | Five Questions, Uncategorized, Writers on Writing
Triss Stein and I have been colleagues for years, via Poisoned Pen Press, and I’ve always enjoyed seeing her at conferences such as Bouchercon. Although I’m no longer a New Yorker, I’m still referring to her hometown when I say “the...
by Clea | Dec 30, 2019 | Five Questions, Uncategorized, Writers on Writing
Sharon Daynard is a staple of our New England crime fiction community. I first came to know her through her short stories, which have been shortlisted for the Al Blanchard and Derringer awards. When I heard that Sharon had a novel coming out, of course I needed to...
by Clea | Dec 23, 2019 | Five Questions, Uncategorized, Writers on Writing
I was aware of Tom Piazza before Why New Orleans Matters. His writing was long a go-to for insights into the music I loved. But this book, about the city we both love (and where he had moved years before Katrina), really made clear his genius. Since then, he’s...