Fiction in the Pandemic

How do we create worlds when the real one is falling apart? I tackle that dilemma in today’s Boston Globe Arts have long served as humanity’s means of processing reality. But as we reel from continued global crises, what stories are going to emerge from these...

#NoContact book tour with Victoria Zackheim

Welcome to the #NoContact Book Tour! While we all stay inside and stay safe, books have become even more important. But book events and conferences, alas, are canceled. So today I am thrilled to welcome Victoria Zackheim, whose Private Investigations:...

#NoContact Pub Day with Sarah Smith

Today, let’s welcome Sarah Smith to the #NoContact Book Tour – and get ready to celebrate her new book, Crimes and Survivors. While we all stay inside and stay safe, books have become even more important – and with Sarah’s latest, we can actually set sail!...