by Clea | Jul 13, 2018 | Cats, Poisoned Pen Press, Pru Marlowe, Reviews, Uncategorized
Columnist Kim Campbell Thornton wrote up “Page Turners for Pet Lovers” in the Palm Beach Florida Weekly – the columnist calls calls us “The Nine Best New Pet Books to Read This Summer” – and the first book she recommends is my new Fear on...
by Clea | Jul 3, 2018 | Amazon, Booklist, News, Poisoned Pen Press, Pru Marlowe, Publishers Weekly
Today is the pub day for Fear on Four Paws, which means Pru is back and Wallis with her! Yes, after a year-plus absence, the bad girl animal psychic and her cranky tabby are once again prowling the woods around Belleville, and are they in trouble. It all starts when...
by Clea | Jun 4, 2018 | Booklist, Pru Marlowe, Reviews, Uncategorized
“Series fans [as well as “readers who love bossy cats, don’t mind ferrets, and can accept an animal psychic as a protagonist”] will lap it up.” So says Booklist on my upcoming (July 1) Fear on Four Paws. Thank you!
by Clea | May 9, 2018 | Cats, Pru Marlowe, Publishers Weekly, Reviews, Uncategorized
The early reviews are rolling in, and Publishers Weekly calls Fear on Four Paws an “irresistible outing.” I’m thrilled! Here’s the full review: Fear on Four Paws: A Pru Marlowe Pet Noir Clea Simon. Poisoned Pen, $15.95 trade paper (272p) ISBN...
by Clea | Apr 26, 2012 | Cats, Cats Can't Shoot, Pru Marlowe
What, you were expecting a person?Yes, I supposed I should cede this space to Pru. My roommate – the one who opens the cans – is Pru Marlowe. She’s also the one who dragged us both out of the city and to this godforsaken town a little over a year ago, as you people...
by Clea | Mar 27, 2012 | Booklist, Cats Can't Shoot, Poisoned Pen Press, Pru Marlowe, Reviews
“Simon excels in creating unique and believable animal characters as well as diverse and memorable humans”Wow! I am overjoyed! This review won’t be officially out until April 15, but I have to share it now:Author: CLEA SIMONTitle: CATS CAN’T...