Farewell, Kate’s Mystery Books

Kate Mattes started me writing mysteries. We’ve all known that she was trying to sell the store for quite a while now, but just heard about this last night and I’m sad. Thank you, Kate!Kate’s Mystery Books closing on August 1An e-mail from the Porter...

Party time!

It’s time to celebrate here at Chez Musetta!Not only is tonight the book release party for “Probable Claws” (tonight at Ryles Jazz Club, if you’re around), sponsored by the marvelous Kate Mattes of Kate’s Mystery Books.But Amazon FINALLY...

Parties, parties, parties…

Sometimes people ask me about signed books, so I thought I’d speak out and remind folks that if they want signed copies of any of my books, the best way to do it is to catch me at one of the season’s PARTIES! This Friday, I’ll be at Kate’s...

Happy anniversary, Kate!

Today, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Kate’s Mystery Books. Owned and operated by Kate Mattes, one of the first directors of Sisters in Crime and the recent winner of a Raven from the Mystery Writers of America, this tiny shop has been instrumental in...