I got to interview Jill Lepore!

From the Sunday Boston Globe. This is maybe a quarter of our conversation. She’s a genius! AUTHOR PROFILE Jill Lepore has seen the inside of time By Clea Simon Jill Lepore, professor at Harvard University and author of “The Deadline,” a new...

Five compelling questions

That’s the name of Shawn Reilly Simmons’ podcast, and now I know it’s true. Shawn — an author and one of the brains behind the annual Malice Domestic traditional mystery festival — is super easy to talk to, and that means we authors tend to spill the...

“To be fearless…” (an interview)

To be fearless is to let the creative impulse take you where it will. … Abby Frucht and I went deep when we chatted about writing, process, and Hold Me Down back in October. The original interview ran on the JMWW blog, and I’m now reprinting it here:...

Sets & crimes & rock & roll

In real life, the wonderful New York Times best-selling author Caroline Leavitt and I talk about writing all the time. So she revived her blog to put down some of our Q&A. You can read an excerpt below or click over to her space here:...

#TBTwith Mystery Maven Sara DiVello

Did you miss my HOLD ME DOWN pre-launch event with Mystery and Thriller Maven Sara DiVello? Not to worry, our host for the evening – Houston’s MURDER BY THE BOOK – has put our talk up on Youtube and Facebook and I’m sharing as a #TBT! We’re not...

Talking craft with Dale Phillips

I got to chat with fellow New England mystery author Dale Phillips over at his blog a while ago and hadn’t had a chance to share till now. We tackled the writing process, music books and how to craft a compelling story. Here’s how it starts: So how did...