by Clea | Dec 16, 2019 | Five Questions, Writers on Writing
I first encountered Art Taylor through his work. His story, “English 398: Fiction Workshop,” was one of hundreds I and my colleagues read while judging the short fiction entries for last year’s Edgar Awards, and while there were many (so many)...
by Clea | Dec 9, 2019 | Five Questions, Uncategorized, Writers on Writing
You can’t be part of the New England crime fiction community and not know Judy Copek and her husband Hans. One of the co-founders of our annual CrimeBake conference, Judy is an organizer, reader, and supporter of us all, and her own novels showcase both her...
by Clea | Nov 25, 2019 | Five Questions, Writers on Writing
I’ve been getting emails from Ang Pompano since I started writing crime fiction, and I always answer them. Ang is a stalwart of the New England Sisters in Crime (ok, he’s a Mister in Crime), and he’s tireless – always working on Crimebake or another...
by Clea | Nov 18, 2019 | Five Questions, Uncategorized, Writers on Writing
“Clea!” I turned and there was Scott Von Doviak. The scene was a hotel lobby, somewhere in Dallas, a city known for barbecue and assassination. The occasion, Bouchercon, the latest iteration of the annual gathering where the crime fiction community –...
by Clea | Oct 21, 2019 | Five Questions, Writers on Writing
I first knew Paula as a panelist – a wise and funny woman who would show up at conferences and always had something useful to say. I’d see her name on a schedule and I’d know that wherever she was, that was going to be good. I then started to hear about...
by Clea | Sep 23, 2019 | Five Questions, Writers on Writing
Greg Herren and I could be twins. Well, okay, except that he identifies as male while I’m female, he’s gay and I’m straight, and his ridiculously fun Scotty Bradley mysteries feature a protagonist who is all of the above, as well as in-depth looks at...