Hoarding in the headlines

If you’ve read my Mew is for Murder, you know something about animal hoarding, aka the “crazy cat lady” syndrome. Well, now Today on MSNBC is on it, too. This story has lots of good information, and there’s also a video clip that includes a...

Guest blog: Brett Milano

Brett Milano has done a lot of things in his life, many of which have to do with rock and roll and some with cats. So when I saw this stellar review of his new book, The Sound of Our Town: A History of Boston Rock, I knew I had to ask him to blog. Take it away, Brett!...

Library cats

It must be something in the air. I guest blogged over at Jungle Red today in praise of libraries. And then I heard that another blog was starting a “library cat” blog, the idea being to solicit library cat stories for an e-book celebrating National Library...

Addicted to cats?

According to this article in the New York Times, there may be a biological basis for cat hoarding (not animal hoarding in general, but specifically cats). It cites the Centers for Disease Control talking about how the common parasite, toxoplasma gondii, may make us...

Is this kitty a killer?

Look at the book cover to your left. Look at that little black and white face. I ask you, is that the face of a killer?Now, I write murder mysteries, but even for me that question might sound a bit odd.I mean, I’ve always promised my readers that no matter how many...

Weighty topics

(Relaxing after New York trip)So somehow last night, we ended up talking about female characters and their body issues”Why is it,” one of the lovely people who came to Partners and Crime last night asked, “that so many mysteries focus on women who...