Wanda Jewell’s Free Book Stimulus Plan!

Wanda Jewell has a problem. After serving nearly 20 years as executive director of the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance (SIBA), she is overrun with books. All kinds of books: finished copies and galleys, paperbacks and hardbound, limited editions, signed,...

Fly, kitty, fly!

A genetic mutation – or the miracle of photoshopping? Either way, this amuses. Thank you, Caroline Leavitt, for sending it along!Here’s the link to the supposed news article about this Chinese winged cat, who supposedly sprouted wings to escape sexual...

Writers on writing

Maybe it’s because I’m teaching writing again, but I love this interview between Ann Patchett and Elizabeth McCracken. And, yes, I stole it – as all good ideas are stolen – in this case from good buddy and excellent novelist Caroline Leavitt...

The heat is on

Half past seven and the mercury is stuck at 94 degrees. I’m still trying to read through that non-Theda project. I like it, I do, but it’s just too difficult to do anything in this weather that in any way resembles work. Did take a break to visit the...