by Clea | Jul 15, 2018 | Blackie & Care, Dru's Book Musings, Severn House, Uncategorized
Dru Ann of the MWA Raven Award-winning Dru’s Books Musings “interviewed” the young protagonist of my Blackie and Care series in celebration of the release of Cross My Path. Here’s the interview.
by Clea | Jun 30, 2018 | Blackie & Care, Cats, Reviews, Severn House
“[G]ritty and intense,” says the Blood Red Pencil of the world of my new Cross My Path, “well-suited for the unsettling, edge-of-your-seat atmosphere.” This well-penned review does a great job of describing the world that Blackie and Care...
by Clea | Jun 29, 2018 | Blackie & Care, Cats, Reviews, Severn House, Uncategorized
“Simon … not only reflects a thorough understanding of feline behavior, but also a connection to the feline essence…” The Conscious Cat reviews Cross My Path, adding, “I absolutely love Clea’s brilliant, highly descriptive writing...