
Boskone recap

I confess, I was a bit concerned. Sure, many of my book feature fantastical elements – talking cats, witch craft, ghosts. But would they – and I – fit into a science fiction/fantasy convention? Were my mysteries really "speculative fiction"? But more than one reader,...

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Five Questions with Elisabeth Elo

Elisabeth Elo understands the dark side of cold climes! Her stunning debut was set North of Boston and with her long-awaited second book, which Publishers Weekly calls a "gripping thriller," she shows us a side of Siberia that I know I'd never even thought of ....

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Talking books, cats, rock ‘n’ roll…

With Max Bowen of Citywide Blackout podcast. Officially, this is a lead in to Boskone this weekend, but we just chatted about everything... check it out here:

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Five Questions with Ruth McCarty

Ruth McCarty is a force of nature. A past president of Sisters in Crime, she's one of the founders of the New England Crime Bake, our annual celebration of all things mystery. Plus, she's a founding editor of Level Best Books, which publishes an annual anthology of...

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Finally, WORLD ENOUGH in paperback!

Since it's U.S. release in 2017, my World Enough only been available as a fairly pricey hardcover and an e-book (though there are good sales on the e-book occasionally). I am thrilled that finally the trade paperback of my rock 'n' roll noir...

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Five Questions with Edwin Hill

I first heard of Edwin Hill when we were both included (along with Dennis Lehane!) in a Strand Magazine piece on "Five Reinventions of the Boston Crime Novel," calling us the heirs of George V. Higgins. From the description of his hard-hitting debut, Little Comfort, I...

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Say hi! (Boskone mini interview)

In the lead up to Boskone 56, the Boskone blog is running mini interviews (three questions) with each participant. I'm up today along with E.C. Ambrose and Steven Popkes, talking about C.S. Lewis, Edward Gorey, Sue Grafton and more. Here's a teaser: What is your...

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Boskone bound!

Okay, it's right in Boston, but still... very excited to be participating in my very first Boskone, Feb. 15–17! What is Boskone? Boskone (February 15-17, 2019) in Boston, MA is New England's longest running science fiction and fantasy convention. With over 300...

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“A fun book…” Thank you!

Another insightful blog review of A Spell of Murder, this time from Laurie's Thoughts (thank you!): I really enjoyed this unique cozy told from a cat’s perspective and the heroine’s point of view. I loved the way in which the author gave the three cats different...

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Five questions with Joe Finder

Thrilled to be hosting thriller great Joe Finder today! I've loved Joe's books forever and know him as a generous member of the crime fiction community, utterly brilliant, and all-around nice guy (he and my husband taught together, once upon a time). His latest,...

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