“I could not put the book down…”
Review of An Incantation of Cats posted today on the MWA Raven Award-winning book blog Dru's Book Musings: "This was an enjoyable, fast-paced and well-written drama that quickly became a page-turner, as I could not put the book down. The heart of this story is told...
Five Questions with Triss Stein
Triss Stein and I have been colleagues for years, via Poisoned Pen Press, and I've always enjoyed seeing her at conferences such as Bouchercon. Although I'm no longer a New Yorker, I'm still referring to her hometown when I say "the City," and I love hearing about her...
Books to look forward to in 2020!
New year, new books! I like to say that books don't get stale. That means there's no reason not to read an older book (an old favorite like Hilary Mantel's A Place of Greater Safety or one I didn't get to, such as Ocean Vuong's On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous ). But...
Favorite reads of 2019
This past year was the first in ages when I didn't have a new book out. I haven't stopped writing. Far from it!* But it did give me a bit of a breather in which to read – and now to talk about other's books. Therefore, in the spirit of the season, I'm giving my very...
Five Questions with Sharon Daynard
Sharon Daynard is a staple of our New England crime fiction community. I first came to know her through her short stories, which have been shortlisted for the Al Blanchard and Derringer awards. When I heard that Sharon had a novel coming out, of course I needed to...
Five Questions with Tom Piazza
I was aware of Tom Piazza before Why New Orleans Matters. His writing was long a go-to for insights into the music I loved. But this book, about the city we both love (and where he had moved years before Katrina), really made clear his genius. Since then, he's given...
Happy Chanukah!
Chanukah starts at dusk tonight, kicking off eight nights of festivities. As a perpetual procrastinator, I'm so glad it's late this year – bridging Christmas and the beginning of Kwanzaa too. So happy holiday season everyone, whatever you celebrate!
Looking for a good book?
Sisters in Crime New England solicited reading suggestions from all of us. Here's the list. Enjoy! If you're looking for a signed copy of any of mine, both Harvard Book Store and Porter Square Books have copies. Call to make sure you get a signed one – they both ship!...
Jezebel gets (cat) cozy!
For Cats Week, Jezebel tackles the concept of the cat mystery – and interviews yours truly. .. “You’re always going to go home and tell your cat what happened.” Simon theorizes that maybe we're following in the footsteps of an iconic detective duo, Sherlock Holmes and...
Five Questions with Art Taylor
I first encountered Art Taylor through his work. His story, "English 398: Fiction Workshop," was one of hundreds I and my colleagues read while judging the short fiction entries for last year's Edgar Awards, and while there were many (so many) wonderful entries, Art's...