Tonight! Mystery and Thriller Mavens

Wow! Tonight at 8 pm. Eastern (DST), I get to be interviewed by the amazing Sara DiVello for her Mystery and Thriller Mavens video/podcast. Sara’s a vet, having done author interviews for years, and she’s an author in her own right (write?). Check out her...

Library Journal on “The Ninth Life”

Simon, Clea. The Ninth Life Severn House. (Blackie & Care Cat, Bk. 1). Mar. 2016. 229p. ISBN 9780727885715. $28.95; Care rescues Blackie after he is almost drowned. Our feline protagonist and narrator, who has used up nearly all of his nine lives, does not...

Guest Blogger: Linda L. Richards

What’s in a name, anyway? This question came up for me again a few days ago, when Clea and I were making preparations for my visit here. At one point she said something like, “it’s a good thing the protagonist of your book is named Kitty, ‘cause she’ll feel right at...