October is going to be a blur anyway…

You’ve probably heard about the supply chain issues hitting publishing – well, hitting EVERYONE* – this year? I guess they’ve messed a little with Hold Me Down. The book is printed and it’s on its way to the distributors and from there to bookstores...

Talking fame and fiction with MWA Florida

What is it about the bright lights that makes the shadows so dark? Why did I set yet another psychological suspense in a story of rock and roll stardom – and why am I encouraging all my fellow writers to do the same? These questions and more will be addressed this...

Sun-Sentinal on HOLD ME DOWN

Rocker turns sleuth By OLINE H. COGDILLSUN SENTINEL CORRESPONDENT |SEP 07, 2021 AT 3:17 PM ‘Hold Me Down’ by Clea Simon. Polis Books, 288 pages, $26.99 Fame can be fleeting, gone in a blink before it can be appreciated. Gal Raver, the heroine of...

“And yet… and yet…”

“There is inspiration in the idea of imperfect people helping each other find the way back on course.” I’m not going to post every reader review (although I am grateful for everyone who took the time to respond). But this one made me choke up. Thank...