Wow, thank you! WIth all my attention focused on the inauguration, I almost missed this rave review for A Cat On the Case from Mollie Hunt, over at Crazy Cat Lady Mysteries. I’m thrilled to post it now!
Review: A CAT ON THE CASE, A Witch Cats of Cambridge Mystery #3
Posted on January 20, 2021 by Mollie Hunt
ANOTHER WINNER FOR CAT COZY FANS (and the rest of you, too)

Clea Simon’s “A Cat on the Case” has everything I could want from a cozy cat mystery: thrills, chills, a bit of romance, a bit of witchcraft, a bit of murder, and a whole lot of cats.
Told basically from the cats’ point of view, this 3rd in the Witch Cats of Cambridge series chronicles the life of Becca Colwin, a young witchy wanna-be. Becca imagines she has powers, but in reality, it all comes down to her cats. Like most dedicated cat cohabitors, Becca thinks her cats are special, but she has no idea just how special they really are. The three littermates descend from a long line of magical cats. Laurel, the Siamese, can put ideas into people’s heads. Harriet, the eldest, a floofy Persian, can form objects out of thin air. Clara, the little calico, is just beginning to learn the extent of her mystical skills, but she knows her purpose—to protect Becca at all costs.
After Becca’s new next-door neighbor is murdered, Clara shades herself, becoming essentially invisible to the human eye, in order to bodyguard Becca as she tries to help young music student Ruby. Ruby has got herself mixed up in a plot that goes way over her head. What does Ruby know about the murder? Is she an innocent bystander, or is she involved? With Becca’s life in danger and no clue who to trust, Becca is blessed to have the aid of the cats.
As a cat person who loves cozy mysteries, I enjoyed everything about “A Cat on the Case.” In spite of their paranormal abilities, Clea writes the cats in such a way that they come across as real, true felines. Even as they do their magic, their behavior remains completely cat. Romance, witchcraft, history, music, and cats, cats, cats make this book a fun and fulfilling read.