I am thrilled. I am exhausted. I am a little melancholy. I am … done.

The hesitation is because I have finished the first draft of the fourth Dulcie Schwartz and Mr Grey mystery, tentatively titled GREY EXPECTATIONS, for my lovely publishers Severn House. But as you and I know, that really means I have a ton more work to do. First, the revisions: Do I have clues that make no sense? Does any character change his name (or eye color) in the middle? Is there enough of both my feline characters to be true to this kitty-centric series? That’s what I will find out (I hope) when I start to re-read and revise. Then, of course, the ms. goes off to my agent, and I get her input. Then the whole editing process starts.

But right now, I want to relax and enjoy what I’ve achieved: an entire story, from the first disappearance to the final resolution. Another visit with old friends. I’m a little sad, actually. Now I know what happens, and so to some extent the adventure is over for me. I get to spend more time with these characters, toning up their voices and observations. But… but… but…

Well, that’s what long holiday weekends are for, right? I’ll rest up and attack GREY EXPECTATIONS again on Monday.