A new study from the University of Minnesota has found that people who cohabit with cats have a 40 percent lower risk of fatal heart attacks. Of course, the cats may be the result of a lower stress lifestyle, rather than vice versa. But still a nice bit of news.
(P.S. Dog owners are at lower risk, too.)
Do you think one large one would work as well as two small ones?
I hope so! (Says a woman who routinely has to cede one-third of the bed to her cat, because there are three of us in this household and she’s entitled to her share of everything.)
I wish I weren’t allergic. I know that pets help. When I was single in NYC, I had my tortoise, that was sometimes the one thing that calmed me and made me feel less alone.
I think that’s it, Caroline – anything to make us feel less alone. Of course, good family helps too!